Devin Layson a writer and poet has done tremendous work and is dedicated to his passion of writing, poetry and short films. His novel "To the Queen" is a story based off poetry and the love of fighting for life and love. Nowadays we all should be indulging into the insight on love and relationships. The romantic tale "To the Queen" is also described as an romance between two diverse lovers from the states that meet in Africa on different journeys.

"To the Queen" is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions published in May of 2019. A passage of the book describes love as "To know love is knowing who you are and what risk and sacrifices you are willing to make". As a writer Devin Layshon see's the missing pieces in today's society and interjects with wisdom and insight.
Poetry, books and movies help us to discover ourselves as our ancestors had also show the route to follow. Rather it be music, dance, spoken word, or acting out real life scenarios love stories are always fulfilling. This is where poets like Devin Layshon comes into the picture to further the narrative of the purpose of expressions. Expression of self, expression of love, and expressions of life.

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